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The Feed

All my writings, shots and creations in one feed.

Verscholen Dorp (Hidden Village), Vierhouten, Netherlands

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Developers are dead

Remember when we used to write code? When we'd spend hours debugging, refactoring, and optimizing our work? Those days are numbered. The regular developer's obituary is being written, and AI is holding the pen.

I was a bit late to the generative AI party. I followed the news closely, but I tend to be skeptical these days. Skeptical about the latest Silicon Valley hype and skeptical when privacy concerns are involved. But now I've seen the future, and it doesn't include all of us.

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Perfect gradient #bramsterdam #cityscapes #staatsliedenbuurt

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“Wild” horses in Kennemerduinen National Park #kennemerduinen #horses #santpoort

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Cute couple, pt. 19 #cutecouple #westerpark #amsterdam

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